typedstream IBObjectData Object CustomObject Application MenuTemplate *@*@ccc OtherViews Matrix Control Responder @:@iiii MenuCell ButtonCell ActionCell Helvetica ff@@#::s PopUpList Button CustomView TileScrollView StubView popUp: NXImage NXpopup WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Window Scrollable Matrix UpArrow DownArrow ScrollView TextField TextFieldCell Times-Roman Title NXStringTable HashTable prevCellNonexistant Previous cell non-existant & Curly, from the Three Stooges Gee fly, ain't ya cold? !Ain't you got no patterned skirt? How can you tell when a network president is lying? Ain't you got no silky shirt? I'm having chest pains! mulCellsSelected Multiple cells selected Ain't you got no clothes at all? Gee fly up on the wall, *Some quotes for your scrolling pleasure... I've fallen, and I can't get up! nextCellNonexistant Next cell nonexistant yikes Yikes doubleClick Double click bummer Bummer Max Headroom clickedTwice Clicked twice noCurrentCell No current cell His lips are moving. Info... Scroll Controller Button1 MyWindow StringTable File's Owner Field1 ControllerInstance MainMenu Button2 [16@] IBControlConnector IBConnector hide: terminate: IBOutletConnector delegate scrollView nextItem: previousItem: textField tileScrollView popupListButton changeScale: stubView stringTable displayInfoPanel: